
My house flip has a real life story!

I am honored to go on my first flip endeavor with my #spiritcouple @Nestrs HGTV stars, Airbnb Super Hosts, and beings that flowed to Columbus, OH via NYC just like yours truly. On International Women’s Day, Sarah Karakaian and I sat in the bank and signed all of the paperwork for a lil’ passion project known as Welcome Home 614, a Real Estate Investment Business. Both Sarah and her amazing hubby Nick believed in the one piece of property I felt like I needed to buy for my first flip, Betsy 614!
Here’s how it started:
My mom was helping me send out mailers to homes after I sold a house in the neighborhood, She picked up an envelope and said to me.. I think this woman.. will call you. It was Miss Elizabeth aka Betsy I kid you not.. 2 weeks later.. ring ring..
it was her!
I met her and we talked for almost 2 hours that day. She was feisty and funny and proud, she lived in her home for 30 years and loved it so!
After some more discussion, she was not ready to sell, she truly loved her home. That was just fine with me. I visited her 2 more times, just to say hi really, I knew it was an honor that she enjoyed my company. Her stories were great, and she didn’t take s*** from anyone. Last Summer I proclaimed during late night beers and a firepit, if she ever did sell I wanted to buy this home
It didn’t look like any other around, massive character, outward abrasiveness and charm.. just like Betsy!
Unfortunately.. Betsy passed away. I did not know for a couple of months. Her son called me not long ago and said, my mother passed and she really liked you, would you sell her home? I thought I could do one better, and buy it, transform it, and make it into something that was a dream home for someone else #myfirstflip … I couldn’t do it justice alone. It deserved better than that! I spoke to a private lender (who laughed at me), a few investors (that shot me down in seconds) and finally a hard money lender, our partners at Fund That Flip. But I couldn’t take on Betsy alone, I needed backup, so I took Nick and Sarah on a tour and slightly awkwardly.. like I love to do.. asked if they would partner with me to make the transformation a true success. When they accepted I was elated!
HERE WE GO! Be sure to follow our hashtag #BETSY614 on Instagram where we will be posting our transformation
We will accept nothing short of excellence and do this home the justice it deserves! We got you Betsy!

614 Fempreneur started as an Instagram based passion project gone Radio Show, gone Podcast. Here’s the deets!

JKW started her career going from a 6 figure salary in Hospitality Management to a Commission based new career. Jennifer found herself nervous to embark on this journey alone, and took solace in seeing so many of her female peers doing the same thing, starting businesses, changing careers, being straight up BRAVE. These females inspired her and once she got her Real Estate career off the ground and running she wanted to give these other females the accolades they deserved. Jennifer started 614 Fempreneur to pay homage to the females that inspired her growth and helped her determine she was not alone.
614 Fempreneur became a Radio Show with Jennifer’s Co-Host Michal Cheney of No Drip Paint. Aired on Sunny 95 in Columbus and Rewind 103.5/104.3. The radio show although crazy fun, did not quite allow Jennifer to really discuss the more intimate details of business and to do one of her favorite pastimes, Curse.. So beginning January 2020 614 Fempreneur is heading back to its roots on Social Media, but with a Facelift. 614 Fempreneur will be recorded bi-weekly with podcasts that will be available on both Itunes and Spotify. Jennifer will be taking the ropes solo and will be digging a little deeper with more intimate details, honest responses, and maybe even a cocktail or two involved.
Jennifer is “goaling” to speak publically to females in business that need encouragement and has recently competed for, and won third place at a Toastmasters Public Speaking competition. If you are interested in inviting JKW to speak, please email her at or call (614) 657-1219
Lauren and Jenn were Keynote Speakers at WealthCon a Wealth and Inspiration Event held at the Southern Theatre in October 2022, local business owners providing insight towards wealth management and financial security.